Hidden Boats | CyberStart Completion

Hidden Boats


Those Chiquitoos are a busy gang and they run a number of legitimate and criminal operations. One of their legitimate businesses is a small boating company that transports workers to the offshore wind farm. Their website has a page, which lists all the scheduled trips out, but we think there might be more that they’re not making public. Our inside informant tells us they’re stored in a file called “extra.txt”. Have a look at the site and see if you can get access to it.

Tip: The flag is the boat number of the last one in the secret list.


Look at the page URL and how it’s being used to load the list of scheduled trips. Is there any way you could change that to show the extra trips file?

How to Solve:

  1. Since the scheduled trips follows a file named planned.txt, we need to change the txt file it’s grabbing to extra.txt.
  2. In the source code, the URL options to get each planned trip is https://www.boatcabs.com/scheduled?file=planned.txt
  3. Change the file from planned to extra to list the extra trips: https://www.boatcabs.com/scheduled?file=extra.txt
  4. Get the last boat’s number and enter it as the flag.


  • XZ8762