All Zipped Up | CyberStart Completion

All Zipped Up


Recruit, we need your scripting skills again. One of our field agents has managed to turn one of the Chiquitoos’ to act as an informant. He has obtained access to a zip file from one of the senior gang members but it’s password protected and he doesn’t know the password (although we’re pretty sure it starts with “Cola”). We’ve got a Python script that might help us brute force it but we think it needs some modifications.

Tip: Open the zip file to get the flag. And don’t forget you can use your local terminal to help.


We believe the password starts with “Cola” and ends in numbers and upper or lower case characters.

How to Solve:

  1. In the Python script, the alphabet variable, add the entire alphabet with all caps and all numbers.
    1. From: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
    2. To: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890
  2. Change the first_half_password variable to Cola, from Password.
  3. Run the script normally with both files being in the same directory.
  4. Open the extracted file, Flag.txt, to get the flag.