Race To Where | CyberStart Completion

Race To Where


Here’s an interesting one for you agent - on the weekend the gang released what looks like a one page website advertising an upcoming bike race they’re organising. Being cyber detectives we’re naturally curious that things might not be as they seem. Have a look at the site - it looks like there are just two images on the page, a logo and the poster, can you find anything suspicious, maybe some text?

Tip: Find the hidden clue and it’ll lead you to the flag.


Try highlighting the whole page (i.e. select all), does it reveal anything else?

How to Solve:

  1. Click CTRL + A to highlight the whole page, notice some text that says “Go to /secret.html”.
  2. Change the URL in the challenge’s address bar from https://www.canalbikerace.com/ to https://www.canalbikerace.com/secret.html to get the flag.