Flow with Conditionals | CyberStart Completion

Flow with Conditionals


Now you know the basics it’s time to teach you one of the most useful things in programming, conditionals. Using “if statements” you can get a program to be dynamic and flow the way you want it to, based on the information it receives. If you’re ready, let’s go!


Using the examples, try to create the if/elif/else logic for Challenge 1.

You can re-use most of your code from Challenge 1 in the other two challenges.

Code Solution:

The following code is the solution to this challenge. Please note that there may be alternative ways to complete this challenge.

# CHALLENGE 1: Check if the number of people is lower than the capacity.
#              If it is, print "success"
#              If the number of people is higher than the capacity,
#              print "too full"
#              If the number of people is equal to the capacity,
#              print "maximum people"
if people < capacity:
elif people > capacity:
  print("too full")
elif people == capacity:
  print("maximum people")

# CHALLENGE 2: Set the value of the people variable to 500.
#              Then run the same check from CHALLENGE 1 again.
people = 500
if people < capacity:
elif people > capacity:
  print("too full")
elif people == capacity:
  print("maximum people")

# CHALLENGE 3; Set the value of the people variable to 50.
#              Then run the same check from CHALLENGE 1 again.
people = 50
if people < capacity:
elif people > capacity:
  print("too full")
elif people == capacity:
  print("maximum people")