Brute Strength | CyberStart Completion

Brute Strength


Great news, recruit. Thanks to your work we’ve been able to recover a zip file from the Yakoottees’ private server. We’re looking for blueprints of the Superspin HQ and details of how they plan to get in. Hopefully, the zip contents will lead us to that.

The zip file is password protected, so we set one of our engineers on writing a script to brute force it. Unfortunately, he was called away onto a special project for a team on another level. Perhaps you could make the final few alterations to his script to get it working.

Tip: Change the script and open up the zip file to get the flag. Oh, and don’t forget you can use your local terminal to help.


We believe the password starts with ‘Super’ and ends in three characters (which could be mixed case). Try modifying the script with that in mind.

How to Solve:

  1. In the Python script, the alphabet variable, add the entire alphabet onto it in all caps.
    1. From: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
    2. To: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  2. Run the script normally with both files being in the same directory.
  3. Open the extracted file, superspin_plans.txt, to get the flag.